Tuesday, July 10, 2007


…Children raised on farms have fewer allergies than children raised in cities? One in three children are currently affected by eczema, hay fever or asthma, as opposed to one in six 20 years ago. The number of people needing emergency hospital treatment for severe allergic reactions has tripled over the last 10 years. A new study suggests the boom in allergies is largely due to pasteurized and homogenized milk. The study shows that children raised on farms who drink just two glasses of raw milk per week reduce their chances of eczema by 40 percent and hay fever by 10 percent. Blood samples revealed the consumption of raw milk decreased the levels of immunoglobulin E by half, which causes allergy symptoms. (

…there is a way to cut your cardio training by more than 300 percent and still get the same results? Researchers at McMaster University in Ontario, Canada, compared the physiological and performance effects of both interval and traditional endurance training. Sixteen college-aged men were placed in one of two groups and monitored for two weeks. The interval training group performed six all-out sprints with four minute rest periods in between. The traditional group performed for 90 to 120 minutes at an intensity level of 65 percent of their maximum aerobic capacity. At the end of the trial, there were no differences found in muscle oxidative capacity, muscle buffering capacity and muscle glycogen utilization. Over the two weeks, the interval group trained a total of 2.5 hours, while the traditional group trained a total of 10.5 hours. Even though this study was very short in duration, we can conclude with all physiological results being fairly equal, interval training is a much more efficient way to induce rapid endurance gains.

…there are ways to reduce the number of germs you come in contact with?

1. Don't touch the first floor elevator button. Everybody touches that button and eventually eats their lunch and or picks their teeth without washing their hands. Many germs are found there because everybody returns to the first floor. Let someone else push the buttons so you don't have to, use your elbow, or the back of your knuckle instead of your finger to press the button.
2. Dangerous shopping cart handles. Shopping cart handles are prime culprits in the spread of germs. Some supermarkets now offer germ-killing wipes in the cart area. Bring your own if they don't and use them to sanitize the cart handle. And never put fresh produce in the cart seat, where diaper-aged children often sit.
3. Watch those escalator handrails. Escalator handrails are loaded with germs. Don't touch them if you can manage without it.
4. Use the first toilet. Research shows that most people use the middle stall in public bathrooms, so avoid those. More use means they're the dirtiest and have the most germs.
5. Office coffee pots are dripping with disease. Your office coffee pot and mug may have been cleaned with a sponge dripping with germs. Hang on to your own mug, and use a dishwasher when it's time to clean it. Another trick: Keep apple cider vinegar in the office and pour a water-cider solution through the coffee machine weekly. It will help kill bacteria.
6. Kitchen woes. Be aware that kitchen sponges, dishcloths, the kitchen and bathroom sinks, cutting boards and even the bathroom floor carry more germs than the toilet seat.
7. Microwave your sponge. New research suggests that if you want to sterilize your sponge, put it in the microwave for two minutes. Research shows this gets rid of 99 percent of the bacteria.
8. Your desk is dirtier than the toilet. Who would have guessed the typical office desk area has 400 times the amount of bacteria than the average toilet seat. Worst offenders: the phone, desk and keyboard. Use a disinfectant wipe to clean the desktop, computer keyboard and phone.
9. Avoid hand shaking and kissing. This may be an impossibility for some, but try to avoid shaking hands or kissing during the flu season.
10. Wash your hands. This is the number one way to avoid getting sick. Scrub your hands with warm water and soap (many don’t use soap) for at least 15 to 20 seconds after using the bathroom, eating, working or playing outdoors, playing with pets or coughing, sneezing or blowing your nose. Anything less than 15 seconds won't do the job.

Incredibly, 95 percent of people say they wash their hands after using the bathroom, but only 67 percent really do it. Worse, only 33 percent bother to use soap and only 16 percent wash their hands long enough to remove germs. (Newsmax.com’s Health Alert)

…a safe cheap drug that has been used for years to treat metabolic disorders kills many different types of cancer? Researchers at the University of Alberta in Edmonton, Canada, tested dichloroacetate (DCA) and found it killed lung, breast and brain cancer cells. Cancerous tumors in rats shrank drastically when they drank water medicated with DCA for several weeks.

Cancer cells use sugar throughout the cell to make energy, not it the mitochondria like normal functioning cells. The same researchers in Edmonton found that the mitochondria in cancer cells were just deactivated and DCA reactivated them, causing the cancer cells to die.

Human clinical trials are the next step for DCA, but researchers will have to look for universities, charities and government for funding. The drug is not patented, which means pharmaceutical companies won’t fund the trials because their ability to make large amounts of money is limited.

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